As of Spring 2015, residents can dip their toes into the MOC pool with the rest of us. If you are currently a resident, you are asking yourself, “why would I want to take on something I can thankfully postpone for 5 more years?”. There are more important thing’s to do like, I don’t know? Passing the Boards in the first place!?
That is all true but consider this:
While you are in residency you may very well be participating in quality improvement activities to meet your ACGME requirements. Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to double dip and get MOC credit that you can bank and use later when you will need it? It’s not very often that you can double dip or kill an ACGME and MOC bird with one stone.
As a resident you are allowed to participate in Part 2 activities as well (see our MOC blog for more information on Part 2 Activities). However, your deposit into the “Bank of MOC” won’t count for the future. Yet, we still encourage you to participate anyway since this will help you prepare for the Pediatric Board Certification exam. Additionally, it will also help you shine the Pediatric In-Training Examination (ITE).
Before you qualify you have to take your first ITE and then you can start banking Part 4 MOC points when partaking in appropriate quality improvement activities during residency.